Friday, September 13, 2013

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Your little ones are napping now so I'm able to do a blog post. Well, almost all of the little ones are napping. I have a record of 6 asleep. Always two are awake and they are different two almost each time. I wonder what it is? Anyways, let's get into our week shall we?

First off, I have to say I am much more organized now than I was before. I expect to do much better with these blog posts and being able to post more frequently. I've learned the lesson where videos don't work on Blogger. So now I can focus on posting pictures!

Here are some pictures! (There will be more for next week - I promise. A lot of times I forgot to have my phone on me to take pictures.)

Last week in library, we made puppets and then put on a puppet show. I took videos of them on my phone and if you would like to see them then I'd love to show you when you drop them off or pick them up =).

One side was their picture and the other side was someone very special to them.

In math, we are doing something a little different. Each child comes to me individually. We sort our counting bears (I have see sorting by colors, shapes, size, and creatures!). Then I ask them questions about greater than, more than, less than, and equal to. We do simple math problems using the word plus. See if your child remembers what plus means! If they need a little help, ask them if it means take away or add more.

Reading and writing our number word one.

Library time! We love Ms. Ross!

 Coloring apple trees and then using thumb prints for the apples. We counted the apples and wrote how many we had!

We read at least four books a day along with one during nap time. Here are a few that we really enjoyed.

Our class pet has a name! We voted out of names decided by the kids: Simon, Mimon, or Alvin. Simon won and we said he likes to climb trees and monkey bars, swinging in tress, sleeping with friends, and playing in trees.

Using a scale in science class. We found classroom items and drew our item. Then we guessed which would be heavier and which would be lighter. Then we put them on the scale!


During snack, the kids decided they wanted to sort their crayons! Music to my ears, kiddos!

While the class was at dance, three of us got to go to library to color and create an apple puzzle!

Yay! Linking logs! FINALLY!

Station pictures:

Drawing and writing pictures for Simon.

 Isn't he cute?!


While I was talking with another student, she wrote three number words all on her own!!! 

We woke up from nap to find we had visitors! The nursing program came to talk to us about washing our hands. We sang songs and colored pictures!

Then it was Ms. Jaysa's birthday party!

We got a little messy with our cupcakes! ;)

Today, we dipped yarn in glue and made our letters on wax paper. After it dries, we get to hang them up! And, since we had so much extra glue, we did an impromptu paper mache project which we get to paint next week!

We had science today!

Planted grass into cups. When it grows, it will look like our hair!

Time to make self-portraits!

And that was our week! Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to teaching your little one on Monday! 

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