Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our week! Warning: Picture overload!

 Here is what our week looked like last week:

We collected cool rocks on the playground! We grouped them by characteristics and then we used some paper to see if the rocks would write! We found out that some of our rocks were actually chalk!

In math, we use counting bears to show different math equations. First, the kids get to spend 5 minutes to sort their bears how they want. I see groupings by kinds and colors and it looks like a few are trying to do patterns! This is a great tool for me to see how each child organizes thought. Then we use our fingers to show the equation and then they show me with their bears.

 Once a week, the kids get to use play dough to trace letters and numbers in the writing center!

The library center is a great place to curl up with a book!

 We get to play with all kinds of different blocks in our block station. The colorful ones seem to be a favorite!

 In art, we have all kinds of paper and crayons to draw with!

More play dough writing!

In science, we are learning about fall and the things that happen during this season. We write and draw in our science journal each week.

Showing expressions! See if you can tell what emotion your child is displaying!


Dr. Minear's class came in to teach us about words! The kids told a word they wanted to know how to spell, an adult wrote it, the child traced it, and then the child drew a picture of it.

Math with our counting bears!

Making family collages in library!

Taking pictures with Luis!!

Show and tell!

WOW! There are some pictures of our week. I don't have pioneer pictures because we are all on the floor pretending during that time =). I'll try to get some of those this week.

Have a wonderful labor day weekend!