Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our third day!

I have lots of pictures of your little ones! I will be staying after school tomorrow to update this post and the previous one with pictures since my internet at home doesn't seem to be adequate for uploading pictures. Anyone in the country out here can understand how satellite internet works - a cloud is in the sky and the internet is non-existent ;)!

Today in math we worked with grouping again! This time we grouped together based on eye color and hair color. We then put the Humpty Dumpty story back in order on a board and used a timeline to show what sequence the events happened. At our desks, we created a timeline on what happened in our favorite story. It seemed everyone's favorite story was The Three Little Pigs!

In science, we used our magnifying glasses all around the room to see what things look like under a magnifying glass. This is a great skill for them to learn because we will be using these often in our science center. I wrote out tiny letters and they used to magnifying glasses to see what they were! We learned to adjust the distance of our magnifying glass from the object to get the best possible view.

In social studies, we talked about schedules, made a schedule of our class, and then the children created their own schedule of their morning before they get to school.

While we were outside, our students collected interesting items that we are going to look at during science class. We are really excited about this!
We found a baby cricket! We kept him outside though so he can live.

Parents, your children are doing quite well. While at stations, I started pulling students to read beginner level books. These had words such as cat, sat, and ran. We practiced looking at letters and sounding out words. They REALLY enjoyed this extra attention and challenge. I was very impressed by what they already knew!
Here is a video of two students reading. First, we read it together to sound out the letters and then if they felt comfortable, I taped them reading it a second time.

Also, I will be giving your child's papers to you this week. I want to print out labels for them so you can know what each paper is showing. Check back later for pictures added to these posts! Have a wonderful night!

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