Every morning we have circle time. This includes singing our good morning song and sharing our daily news. This is a time where students can tell the class about something important going on in their lives. So far, we've heard about a new kitten, a ninja turtle play date, and swimming along with some other news. After we do our daily news, we look at our schedule to see if there are any changes. If there are, then we discuss them. Then, we look at our classroom jobs, say our pledge, and put a sticker on the number of days we are in school. Today, Tripp was our classroom helper and he was able to put a sticker on the number 2 since it is our second day in school. The classroom jobs change every day to give each child a turn. Then we look at our calender and see what today's date is. I have been doing this by telling them yesterday's date and asking for what they think today's date is. This reinforces counting during calendar time! Then, once we figure out the date, the classroom helper picks something out for us to do to symbolize the number of days. Today we jumped up and down 20 times! Phew! Sometimes we might read a poem or story after our calendar time and discuss it.
Now it's math time! We meet together on the rug to talk about our concept. Today it was grouping. We did an activity where we grouped our classmates by colors on different articles of clothing. Then we went to our seats and drew our own groups. Some people drew people, some drew circles, and some drew flowers. Everything we accepted! We talked about how we group things that are the same. So, all blue goes together and all brown goes together.
Morning snack time!
Then we have story time! We get to read a book and talk about it and relate it back to our lives! We discuss the pictures and how there are so many ways we can know what a book is about just by looking at the pictures! Soon, we will be reading books on our own and won't need to depend on the pictures! What an exciting day that will be!
Then we have morning P.E. So far, the children have gone outside to play on the playground. I see I have quite a few gymnasts in my group!
When we come in, we get water and start center activities. Right now we have free choice in what we do in each center as long as we follow the procedures. I pull a few at a time to my desk to see what they know. I see already that most of my students can write all of their letters.
After lunch, we have rest time. They lay on their cots with one book and hopefully are able to rest for a little while. We are so much more refreshed after a nap!
Then, we do science! We will be writing in science journals this year but since our work study students are still working on sorting supplies, we are discussing what we see. Yesterday, we cracked an egg when we read Humpty Dumpty. Today, we did the same thing with a boiled egg to see the difference. We found out the clear fluid in an egg turns white and the yellow part turns hard. We made sure we washed our hands and none of the egg was eaten! We put parts of the shell and egg in a specimen viewer for our science station. (This will be thrown away this week. We can't have our room smelling like rotten eggs!)
After science, we go outside again for afternoon P.E.
(Making nests!)
(Making rock angels!)
Social studies comes next. This week we are working on time lines and schedules. Today, we learned about timelines and made timelines about different things: our school day, our family, our life.
Then we have afternoon snack and then it is time for goodbyes.
I use goodbye time to tell the kids how happy I am they were in class today, how much I love them, and how important they are. We talk about what we learned in math, science, and social studies. We have a big group hug and then they are dismissed to the rug outside the room.
PHEW! That was a lot of typing! Now you can know what your child is doing in each activity. I look forward to seeing your kinder tomorrow and I hope you have a great night!
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