Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mega Updates on Mega Learning!

My, my, my! We are starting a new thing in our class where students are paired up and rotate to four different centers teaching four different things! The kids are really enjoying this. They also have their own blue notebooks to carry to each station to be able to write about what they are doing. So far, so good! We are charging up our iPod so we can take pictures in blocks and dramatic play area. =)

Here are pictures from our last few days of school:

For some reason, my phone uploaded them in a strange order. It'd take me much longer than I have for nap time to rearrange them all!

There are spare papers kids can draw on the back of in almost every station. The girls found these and enjoyed coloring them:

 Here are some spare papers in math for kids to play with. This little one counted all of the ones beans and wrote the numbers all by herself - and there were all correct!

Lego houses:

Spanish (body parts, numbers, colors):


Kids are making Halloween hats:

Since it was raining, we got to play with the balls inside:

Afternoon centers with our notebooks:

An environmental science student came and read us a book about recycling:

The balls!

Practicing our maps skills by drawing maps of our bedroom:

Lego houses!

Our hats are almost all done!

Making mittens:

Playing a new game with Mr. Travis:

More centers with our notebooks:

"Look what we made!"

Every class made ant hats and we turned off the lights to pretend we were deep in the ground in an ant hill. Then we listened to a variety of sounds, tried to guess what made the sound, and if it was a danger to us as ants:

 Making ant hills in library:

We left snacks for the ants to see what food they like best!

Here's us drawing what we saw while looking at an ant hill.

Here's the food the ants are going to enjoy for a snack:

Practicing for Grandparent's day. Their faces crack me up!

Grandparent's Day!

Spanish: colors and body parts


Nursing Program:

All of the honey is gone!

We got to play in Ms. Kim's class for a little bit!

More classes making ant hats:

Nap time is over so I'm off to show your children new and exciting things for them to learn! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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